Back to school: the ultimate parent survival guide


Aug 23, 2024

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Back to school: the ultimate parent survival guide

‘Tis the season…back to school season. That time of year when parents can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the kids head back to school. Let’s be honest, by mid-August, we’re all counting down the days, eagerly anticipating the return to routine and a bit of peace and quiet. But, before you start celebrating, there’s a little matter to think about; back-to-school prep. Yes, it's time to look into school supplies, new clothes, and of course deal with all those back-to-school jitters that come with it.

Step 1: Clothes Shopping – A Battle of Wills

First, let’s talk clothes shopping. You’ll start with a clear mission: buy practical, durable clothes that will last the school year. Your child, however, will have a different goal: to convince you that they absolutely must have those expensive trainers that light up and absolutely everyone else has.

This is where the delicate art of negotiation comes into play. You’ll suggest sensible options, and they’ll counter with the latest TikTok trend. But fear not, because at TOG24 we have all the clothing items you could possibly need, ranging from kids’ school coats to base layers with our back to school section.

What’s even better is that our back to school items will also double up as kids’ casual clothes too for those winter weekends when more warmth is needed. Don’t forget to check out our kids’ footwear for those wet walks to school. 

Pro tip: Set a budget before you buy, and try to stick to it. Easier said than done, but hey, it’s worth a go.

Step 2: The Great Backpack Debate

Let’s start with the backpack because, according to your child, this is a life-altering decision. It can’t just be any old backpack. Oh no, it needs to be the coolest one in the shop, preferably adorned with their current obsession.

Here’s the thing about backpacks, they’re basically a mobile storage unit for everything your kid owns. Throughout the year, this bag will carry lunch, homework, library books, half-eaten snacks, mystery craft items and endless drawings that must not be thrown in the recycling. By half term holidays, it’ll weigh more than your kid does. You’ll wonder how the straps haven’t snapped under the weight of “essential” items like three random rocks and 17 broken pencils.

Pro tip: If your kid is older, try to steer them towards a durable, functional backpack. If they’re younger, just give in and let them pick the one with the glittery unicorn. You’re going to lose that battle anyway.

Step 3: School Supplies – A Scavenger Hunt from Hell

Ah, the school supplies list. What used to be a simple task of grabbing a few pens and pencils has evolved into a full-scale scavenger hunt. You’ll find yourself racing through the aisles, trying to decipher a list that reads like a riddle.

Your child will, of course, insist on getting the exact item their teacher listed. Because as everyone knows, the world will end if you buy a regular pencil case instead of the neon green one with extra pockets and built in calculator. Also, they’ll want the fanciest pens, the sharpest pencils, and notebooks with the most over-the-top designs.

Pro tip: Buy extras of everything—especially those glue sticks that disappear into the abyss by half term. Also, prepare yourself for the fact that despite all your efforts, your kid will still come home in the first week and tell you they need something you didn’t get. It’s inevitable.

Step 4: Addressing the Back-to-School Jitters

Now, let’s get serious for a moment. With all the excitement (and chaos) of back-to-school shopping, it’s easy to forget that your child might be feeling a little anxious about the new school year. And honestly, who can blame them? New teachers, new classrooms, new routines, it’s a lot for anyone to handle, especially for kids.

Whether your child is starting primary school or heading into high school, back-to-school anxiety is totally normal. Maybe they’re worried about friendships, keeping up with schoolwork, or just missing those sweet summer days of freedom. Whatever the cause, it’s important to talk to them about their feelings and reassure them that they’re not alone.

Here’s how to help them (and you) cope:

  1. Ask your child how they’re feeling about the new school year. Listen to their worries without immediately jumping in with solutions. Sometimes, just knowing that someone is listening is enough to ease their concerns.
  2. Start easing back into a school-year schedule a week or two before their first day. This means earlier bedtimes, regular meal times, and maybe even a little light reading to get their brains back in gear.
  3. Help your child see that nervousness can also be excitement in disguise. New friendships, new opportunities, and new experiences await them. It’s like starting a new chapter in their very own adventure story.
  4. As a parent, your attitude sets the tone. If you’re calm and positive about the upcoming school year, your child is more likely to feel the same way. So even if you’re silently panicking about all the things that could go wrong, put on your best “everything is going to be great” face.

Step 5: The First Day of School – A Photo Op You’ll Never Forget

And finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the first day of school. It’s tradition (and practically a requirement in the age of social media) to take a “First Day of School” photo.

This photo is important because, in 10 years, you’ll look back and smile at how much they’ve grown. But let’s be honest, it’s also a little victory lap for surviving the summer and making it through the back-to-school prep.

As you send them off with their overstuffed backpack, shiny new school shoes, and that lingering summer glow, take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You did it. You survived another summer and got your kid ready for another school year.

Step 6: Check your Checklist

We’ve compiled a list of everything you may possibly need. Use this handy checklist to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.


  • 5 x polos / shirts
  • 3 x skirts / trousers
  • 2 x jumpers
  • E. kit – 2 x shorts / 2 x P.E. top / 2 x P.E. jumper
  • Trainers
  • School shoes
  • Lightweight waterproof coat
  • Warmer winter coat
  • Summer hat
  • Woolly hat and gloves


  • Backpack
  • Lunchbox
  • Name labels
  • Snack box
  • 2 x Water bottles
  • Pencil case
  • Pencils
  • Rubbers
  • Sharpeners
  • Felt tips
  • Crayons
  • Ruler

You’ve got this…

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Every parent out there is navigating the same school stationery lists, the same clothes shopping battles, and the same mix of excitement and anxiety. We’re all in this together, cheering for our kids (and ourselves) as we head into a new school year.

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